Factors affecting on learning achievement of industral education faculty students at rajamangala university of technology phra nakhon
The research aims to study the factors affecting on lerning achievement of industrial education faculty students at rajamangala university of technology
phra nakhon. the sample population included 254 students from induatrial education facuity students. the questionnaire was a research instrument. analysis statistics was done by fraqquency,
percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation and test the relationship between learning achievement with factors affecting on learning achievement bypearson product moment coefficient correlation,
analysis of the multiple regression to predict learning achievement. the research resuits can be
summarized as follows :
1. Overall learing achievement was highly rated.
2. Characteristics leamers factor, psychological characteristics, behavior between teachers and students, individual behavior, extermal driving force have a positive relationship on learning
achievement of students were relations are positive achoevement on learning achievement of students in the faculty of industrial education were found significantly different at the 0.05 level.
- Research Report [111]