Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 3-14 of 14
The Design of Bit-Serial Lattice Wave Digital Filter Using FPGA
(IEEE ICICS 2005, 2005)This article describes an efficient approach to the implementation of bit-serial lattice wave digital filters based on field programmable gate array (FPGA). In this paper, a time schedule of all of the bit-serial two-port ... -
Development of Classified Fly Ash as a Pozzolanic Material
(Asian Network for scientific information, 2008)This research studies the potential for using classified fly ash from Mae Moh power plant in Thailand as a pozzolanic material. Three different fly ash finenesses viz., coarse Original Fly Ash (OFA), Medium Fly Ash (MFA) ... -
Effect of grinding on chemical and physical properties of rice husk ash
(International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2009-04)The effect of grinding on the chemical and physical properties of rice husk ash was studied. Four rice husk ashes with different finenesses, i.e. coarse original rice husk ash (RHA0), RHA1, RHA2, and RHA3 were used for the ... -
An Experimental investigation of the carbonation of blended portland cement palm oil fuel ash mortar in an indoor environment
(SAGE Publications, 2009)In this research, palm oil fuel ash was utilized as a pozzolanic material in blended Portland cement mortar. The mortar was tested on the normal compressive strength and the negative effect of carbonation in indoor environment ... -
Pore structure changes of blended cement pastes containing fly ash, rice husk ash, and palm oil fuel ash caused by carbonation
(JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2009)In this paper, the effects of carbonation on pore structure of blended pozzolan cement pastes were investigated. Ordinary Portland cement _OPC_ was partially replaced with ground palm oil fuel ash _POA_, ground rice husk ... -
Regional Flow Duration Curves for Wang River Basins
(Suranaree University, 2005-10-18)In this studies, the regional flow duration curves were prepared for Wang River Basins. More than 10-year daily flow records of 10 selected gauging stations in these river basins (catchment areas ranging from 95.7 to 10,442 ... -
Strength and chloride resistance of blended Portland cement mortar containing palm oil fuel ash and fly ash
(International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2008-06-15)This paper presented a study on the strength and chloride resistance of mortars made with ternary blends of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), ground palm oil fuel ash (POA), and classified fly ash (FA). The mortar mixtures ... -
Strength, porosity and corrosion resistance of ternary blend Portland cement, rice husk ash and fly ash mortar
(2007-08-10)This paper presents a study of the strength, porosity and corrosion resistance of mortars made with ternary blends of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), ground rice husk ash (RHA) and classified fly ash (fine fly ash, FA). ... -
A study of the needs for instruction development of faculty of science and technology in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon according to the perception of students and teachers
(2013-08-16)The purpose of this research were to study the needs in the instruction development ot the Faculty of Science and Technology in Raiamangala University of Technology PhraNakhon, according to the students' and the teachers' ... -
Systematic literature review and meta-analysis of key features in educational robotics
(2014-07-08)This article aims to synthesize literatures in Educational Robotics and presents key features of systematic literature review and structured meta-analysis of the literature. Population consists of 247 papers from 10 ... -
Use of disposed waste ash from landfills to replace Portland cement
(Waste Management & Research, 2009-09-01)In this study, waste ash was utilized as a pozzolanic material in blended Portland cement in order to reduce negative environmental effects and landfill volume required to dispose of waste ash. The influence of waste ash, ... -
Use of waste ash from various by-product materials in increasing the durability of mortar
(Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2008-07-12)This paper presents a study on the strength and corrosion resistance of mortars made with binary blends of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and ground rice husk ash (RHA) or ground palm oil fuel ash (POA). The mortar mixtures ...