Now showing items 21-30 of 47
Development of funeral flowers made from rice husk
Research development of Funeral Flowers made from Rice Husk purpose To make use of the chaff by making mourning flower products and to transfer the knowledge to the target group.
The results revealed
Uses of rice husk ...
Development of wild orchid product from joint-vetch : a case study of phra nakhon si ayutthaya province
The purposes of this research were to make artificial wild orchids from joint-vetch to imitate the natural one. Researchers studied joint-vetch dyeing, Thai wild orchids forming from joint-vetch, Thai wild orchids selecting ...
Banana flour is substance to the stability of coconut milk ice cream
การศึกษาการใช้แป้งกล้วยเป็นสารให้ความคงตัวในไอศกรีมกะทิ เนื่องจากต้องการเพิ่มมูลค่าให้กับกล้วยน้ำว้า ซึ่งเป็นผลไม้ของไทย จากการทดลองได้ทำการศึกษาปริมาณการใส่แป้งกล้วยในไอศครีมกะทิ 4 สูตร 1.5, 4, 7.5และ 9 กรัม พบว่า ...
Innovative development of the patterns of textile product (OTOP) from Napo Buriram silk fabric using cultural industry to the global (AEC)
The purpose of this research was to develop innovative forms the style of Household Textile and to develop innovative forms the style of Household Textile and to develop the product style from Napo's Buri Ram Silk. This ...
Water hyacinth yarns and their transformed materials dyeing machine for developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Water Hyacinth Yarns and Their Transformed Materials Dyeing Machine for Developing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises was a research project what an aim for producing a prototype dyeing machine. The machine was used at the ...
The designing of ๒ harness loom to develop the community products for commercialization
The purposes of this research were to design and create the weaving machine to ๒-๔ heddles for small sample weaves were not over ๒๓ inches width. It brought to use striped woven community sample to develop commercial ...
Innovative development of fashion bag pattern from Napo Buriram silk fabric Under the research plan Innovative development of the patterns of textile product (OTOP) from Napo Buriram silk fabric using cultural industry to the global (AEC)
The research aims to develop the innovation development of fashion bags design and the product design by using silk fabric, Napho District, Buriram. To introduce the technical innovation development of fashion bags design ...
Innovative development of clothing fashions pattern from Napo Buriram silk fabric Under the research plan innovative development of the patterns of textile product (OTOP) from Napo Buriram silk fabric using cultural industry to the global (AEC)
The purport of this research was develop innovative froms the patern and colour of Napo Buri Ram Silk and relay the pattern action training in Technology. This research was the development research, The tolls of the research ...
The costume creative design and accesssory creative design green eco innovation for Asian Community
In the research on “The Costume Creative Design and Accessory Creative
Design Green Eco Innovation for Asian Community”, the purpose of the study
was to create the product design on the costumes and accessories for ...