Now showing items 223-242 of 688

    • The development of web-based instruction on official letters in word processing application subject using demonstration technique 

      ใจเย็น, เพ็ญพร; สินธนะกุล, ธันว์รัชต์ (2015-06-10)
      The purposes of this research were : 1) to develop Web-Based Instruction (WBI) on Official Letters, part of the 'Word Processing Applications' Subject, using Demonstration Technique; 2) to evaluate if the WBI meets Meguigans ...
    • The development of web-based instruction on op-amp and linear IC simulation using multisim version 11.0 case study of chainat technical college 

      เงินแจ่ม, ประดิพัทธ์; แสนราช, จรัญ (2015-06-10)
      The objectives of this experimental research were: 1) to develop Web-based Instruction (WBI) on “Op-Amp and Linear IC Simulation Using Multisim Version 11.0 Case Study of Chainat Technical College, 2) to evaluate the ...
    • The development of webQuest’s on local history for mathayomsuksa 1 students by constructivism approach through social Network 

      ทองวิจิตร, วชิรพรรณ; ศรีสมพันธุ์, จิรพันธุ์ (2015-06-10)
      This study aimed to 1) the evaluation of the design of Local History WebQuest of Mathayomsuksa 1 students based on constructivism through online social network revealed a high level of quality (= 4.62, S.D.=0.35), 2) the ...
    • Development of wild orchid product from joint-vetch: a case study of phra nakhon si ayutthaya province 

      สีหะวัฒนกุล, ปิยะธิดา; จันทกุล, สุกัญญา; ไทยเที่ยง, อารยะ; ผ่องใส, สุชีรา; ดาวเจริญพร, นิอร; รำพึงจิต, รุ่งฤทัย; ใจทน, อนุสรณ์ (2015-05-21)
      The purposes of this research were to make artificial wild orchids from joint-vetch to imitate the natural one. Researchers studied joint-vetch dyeing, Thai wild orchids forming from joint-vetch, Thai wild orchids selecting ...
    • Development on the use of oil palm fronds as roughage feed source for thai native cattle 

      อาจชมภู, ประดิษฐ์; สีเผือก, วุฒิชัย; บริรักษ์ธนกุล, ศิริศักดิ์ (2015-05-21)
      An experimental design was a completely randomized design (CRD). Fifteen Thai native cattle were randomly allocated into 5 treatment groups, with 3 animals in one group and one cattle was one replication, assigning to be ...
    • Development Policy of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

      Kosaiyakanont, Supatra (2014-11-17)
      The objective of this article is to present the Development Policy of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP), which is specified as a tool in developing the University during the president term (2014-2018). ...
    • The developmentof dress form for plus size women 

      สมจริง, จรัสศรี; จตุพัฒน์วโรดม, ศรีกาญจนา; บุญโญภาส, สุทัศนีย์; มงคลรัตนาสิทธิ์, รัตนพล (2015-06-04)
      The Purpose of this research was to study the size ratio and structural shape of plus size women, determind the standard of dress form and made dress form for plus size women. The representative samples were women’s wears ...
    • Dialect preservation and transference: Lao Khrung Dontoom District,Nakhonpathom Province 

      Krachangmek, Jitkawee; จิตกวี กระจ่างเมฆ (2020-01-07)
      The objectives of the study titled “Dialect Preservation and Transference : Lao Khrung Dontoom District, Nakhonpathom Province” were 1) to study about Lao Khrung language in Dontoom, Nalon Pathom, 2) to collect the local ...
    • The Dietary effects on manure characteristics and biogas production from dairy cows feeding with pineapple peel 

      Chainetr, Siraprapa; Khiewwijit, Rungnapha; Ngoenkhumkhong, Khanchit; Chainetr, Worawut (2023-03-28)
      This study explored the dietary effect on manure characteristics and potential of biogas production from the manure of dairy cows feeding with pineapple peel as a roughage source. Three mid-lactation primiparous crossbred ...
    • Diffusion coefficient modelling of thin-layer drying of paddy using spouted free fall bed dryer 

      Sritunyakorn, Siwakorn; ศิวกร ศรีธัญญากร; Suluksna, Keerati; กีรติ สุลักษณ์; Chitsomboon, Tawit; ทวิช จิตรสมบูรณ์ (2021-08-07)
      This research developed a new model to determine the moisture diffusion coefficient for the thin-layer paddy drying with the spouted free-fall bed dryer. The design and construction of the dryer was done to experiment with ...
    • Dispersion of copper oxide in water by pH value and ultrasonic method 

      ละมัย, วิเชษฐ์; วงษ์แก้ว, เอกรัตน์ (2015-05-20)
      The objective of this research is to study the dispersion of copper oxide particles in water using as a coolant in heat exchangers. Copper oxide particles were prepared by precipitate method. The parameters affected to ...
    • Diversity of soil microorganisms in mulberry root rot disease fields and detection of the disease pathogen by specific primer 

      Sutthisa, Waraporn; วราภรณ์ สุทธิสา; Sawatphanit, Nattina; ณัฐินา สวัสดิ์พาณิชย์; Noojit, Sunisa; สุนิสา หนูจิต; Phiwkhao, Sumalee; สุมาลี ผิวขาว (2020-09-07)
      The diversity of soil microorganisms in mulberry root rot disease infesting fields was investigated from The Queen Sirikit Sericulture Center at Kanchanaburi, Khon Kaen, Sisaket and Ubon Ratchathani provinces. Isolation ...
    • The diversity of species and utilization of plants at the baan tah tongdeang community forest, nabot ,wangchao district, tak province 

      กูลศิริศรีตระกูล, นฤมล; วินัยเรืองฤทธิ์, เพ็ญพร; ชูประยูร, ปาจรีย์; ดีโต, สินเดิม (2015-06-09)
      This research is aimed to study both the species diversity and utilization of plants at the Baan Tah Tongdeang community forest, Nabot ,Wangchao district,Tak province. The survey of plant species and the available quantity ...
    • The dominant feature of khao wong glutinous rice kalasin province for geographical indications 

      ห้วยแสน, กรรณิการ์; ห้วยแสน, จิระพันธ์; ชมนาวัง, ชาญณรงค์ (2015-05-21)
      The objective of this research was to study the dominant feature of Khao Wong glutinous rice Kalasin province for geographical indications. The effect of three cultivated areas of glutinous rice variety (RD6) consisting ...
    • Dry reforming of methane reaction for hydrogen and syngas production using cobalt catalysts and nickel-cobalt bimetallic catalysts 

      พัฒนะศรี, สุพจน์; มารุ่งเรือง, วราลี (2015-05-20)
      The cobalt catalysts (cobalt content by weight: 7%, 10% and 15%) and cobalt-nickel bimetallic catalysts (cobalt-nickel content by weight: 3.5%-3.5%, 5%-5% and 7%-7%) were studied in dry reforming of methane for hydrogen ...
    • Drying kinetics model of fermented soybean meal using hot air-drying 

      Faksakul, Sirayaporn; Lomthong, Thanasak; Teeka, Jantima; Boonpan, Anan; Areesirisuk, Atsadawut (2020-09-07)
      The aim of this research was to model the hot air-drying (HAD) of fermented soybean meal (FSBM) containing probiotic Enterococcus faecium . The HAD was performed to reduce the moisture content of ...
    • Drying of chilli with thermoelectric Air preheater assisted low temperature dryer 

      Wongpaisarnkit, Patchara; พชร ว่องไพศาลกิจ; Treeamnuk, Krawee; กระวี ตรีอำนรรค; Treeamnuk, Tawarat; เทวรัตน์ ตรอำนรรค (2020-09-21)
      This research objective was to apply thermoelectric module model TEC12710 as a preheater and dehumidifier for red chilies dryer. The heat side and cool side of Thermoelectric module affected by supplied electricity were ...
    • The dvelopment of solar racing car prototype 

      นภัทร วัจนเทพินทร์; สามารถ ทัดเกษ; กิตตินันท์ พลอยรัตน์; ปัญญา กล่ำเดช; สรวิศ นามแก้ว (2017-08-22)
      The objective of this paper is to construct the solar car prototype. The car uses flexible solar panels with the battery as a power source. Thereafter, the performance of the solar car is tested in the actual condition. ...
    • Dye removal using salacca zalacca (sumalee) seeds activated carbon by KOH activation 

      Raksaphort, Supattra; สุพัตรา รักษาพรต; Moonrungsee, Nuntaporn; นันทพร มูลรังษี; Pandet, Waraporn; วราภรณ์ พันธ์เดช; Yamsree, Angkhana; อังคณา แย้มศรี (2021-08-07)
      Dyes contaminated in wastewater, that negatively affecting the environment and human health. The objectives of this study to prepare activated carbon from Salacca zalacca (Sumalee) seeds activated by 36 mmol/g KOH, dye ...
    • The dynamic competitive advantage and business success of food processing industry in Thailand 

      Sakhonkaruhatdej, Khorntawatt (2018-07-04)
      Thailand's food processing industry is a important driving force in the economy of the nation. Their attractiveness of the industry dynamically generated employment and the intensity of competition at the same violence ...