Now showing items 354-373 of 688

    • Forecasting the prices of field corn in Thailand 

      Riansut, Warangkhana; Thongrit, Kettsarin (2018-07-03)
      The purpose of this research was to construct the appropriate forecasting model for the prices of field corn in Thailand using four time series analysis methods, including Box-Jenkins method, Holt’s exponential smoothing ...
    • Formulation development of steamed buns by supplemented toddy palm pulp powder 

      Kitjavorasatien, Suthida; สุธิดา กิจจาวรเสถียร (2023-03-28)
      The results of the using of toddy palm pulp powder form added to steamed buns using ratios of 0, 10, 20 and 30 %. It was found that from the sensory quality measurements of steamed buns by supplemented toddy palm pulp ...
    • Fried oil absorption property of nonwoven from rice straw cellulose fiber 

      Chaliewsak, Jitsopa; จิตต์โสภา เฉลียวศักดิ์ (2022-04-24)
      The objectives of this research were to study cellulose fiber extraction from rice straw with sodium hydroxide in various conditions (with 5 , 1 0 and 1 0 % of sodium hydroxide at room temperature, 60ºC and 90 ºC for ...
    • Fuel consumption monitoring system using control signal and characteristic correlations of fuel injector 

      Kammuang-lue, Niti; Boonjun, Jirawat (2020-01-07)
      Objectives of this study are (i) to investigate characteristics of a fuel injector and to establish the characteristic correlation for correcting the fuel injection rate calculated from the control signal of a fuel injector, ...
    • A fully-balanced current-tunable phase-lead all-pass filter 

      สุวรรณธาดา, ภูมินทร์; สุวรรณทา, ณัฐวุฒิ; วรวัฒน์, เสงี่ยมวิบูล (2015-05-20)
      A new integrable fully-balanced current-tunable in phase-lead all-pass filter is presented. The architecture of the circuit is relatively simple and symmetry with differential signals consisting of merely 6 NPN Bipolar ...
    • Geo-informatics for ecotourism: ban mae klang luang model 

      พงษ์ลี้รัตน์, ศราวุธ (2015-06-04)
      Geo-Informatics for Ecotourism: Ban Mae Klang Luang Model is participatory action research (PAR) conducing to share knowledge together. Furthermore, Ban Mae Klang Luang Model is important mechanism for management of natural ...
    • The gharavasa-dhamma IV appeared in the royal guidance of his majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great 

      Chomdee, Chayanon; ชญานนท์ ชมดี; Kamonsujja, Wichetchay; วิเชษฐชาย กมลสัจจะ (2023-03-27)
      This research article aimed to investigate the Gharavasa-dhamma IV which appeared in the royal guidance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great. The sample was The Royal Guidance of His Majesty King Bhumibol ...
    • Graphical method and database development for computer programming to reinforced concrete slab analysis and design 

      คีรีรัตน์, ชูศักดิ์; รุ่งเรือง, สุธน (2015-05-18)
      This research was to apply graphical method as the input data combined with using database for developing reinforced concrete slab analysis and design. Visual Basic language was used for creating the GUI (graphic user ...
    • Grounding system analysis for reduce voltage sag in distribution system 

      รักไทยเจริญชีพ, นัฐโชติ; ประกอบกิจ, สุรสิทธิ์; ทรงศิริ, สมชาย (2015-05-19)
      The fault in a power distribution system disturbs the power dispatch under normal conditions, therefore, decreases the quality of the electric power. The single line to ground fault is an asymmetric fault that may have a ...
    • Growth of ridge gourd seedlings in glyphosate and carbendazim co-contaminated soil 

      Chouychai, Waraporn; Seokaew, Wannisa; Somtrakoon, Khanitta (2018-07-03)
      The purposes of this research were to assess the combined phytotoxicity of glyphosate and carbendazim, which were normally used as herbicide and fungicide, contaminated in soil as 100 – 1,000 mg/kg on seedling growth of ...
    • Guideline for the administration according to the Digital University Policy of the Executive of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

      Arpavate, Wimonpan; วิมลพรรณ อาภาเวท; Bhangam, Chakrakrishna; จักรกฤษณ์ พางาม (2020-01-19)
      The objectives of this research were 1) to study the guidelines for Administration of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon towards Digital University 2) to study the policy recommendation of the executive for ...
    • Guidelines for education management of work-integrated learning (WiL) for tourism industy 

      Wiwangsu, Pongratchadhawat; พงศ์รัชต์ธวัช วิวังสู; Tumchaiyangkul, Onjira; อรจิรา ธรรมไชยางกูร; Chankrachang, Pongpun; ผ่องพรรณ จันทร์กระจ่าง; Poomsawai, Supawasdee; สุภาวดี พุ่มไสว (2020-01-18)
      The purposes of this research were to study the education model and express the guidelines of education management of work-integrated learning (WiL) for tourism industry model. The research method was used by quantitative ...
    • Hazards of reused cooking oil 

      หงษ์ศรีสุวรรณ์, นันทิรา (2015-06-11)
      Reused cooking oil is the oil which is used more than one time and contains less than 25% (by weight) of polar compounds. Degenerative reused cooking oil is the oil which is used more than two times and contains more than ...
    • Heat transfer enhancement of a recovery hot water tank from waste heat of condensing unit 

      Yaruang, Piyapong; ปิยะพงษ์ ยารวง; Katkhaw, Nopparat; นพรัตน์ เกตุขาว; Pudwong, Songpol; ทรงพล ผัดวงศ์ (2020-09-07)
      This research is to study in heat transfer of hot water tank from an air conditioner which is a cylinder type and has a hot water pipe around the tank. It is used for finding a position and a pattern of distribution of ...
    • Heritability, correlation and path coefficient of downy mildew, yield and yield components in cucumber 

      ทองลา, สุพิศา; ขนบดี, จานุลักษณ์; เจริญวัฒนะ, ปิยะวดี (2015-05-22)
      The relativity of the Downy Mildew (45 and 60 days after transplanting) for 109 lines in both yield and yield components of cucumber from July 2012 to March 2013 was studied at Agricultural Technology Research Institute ...
    • High Current Measurement Method by Means of Rogowski Coil Maximum 1kA 

      ตันมณีประเสริฐ, ธนารัตน์; วุ่นแม่สอด, ดลรวี; มาละวรรณโณ, ธนิต; กมลพันธ์, พันธวิศ (2012-07-28)
      Nowadays, electrical current measurements can be categorized into two methods; direct and indirect measurements. The small amount of electrical current can be directly measured by means of electrical current instrument ...
    • Hot-melt adhesive production from natural rubber 

      Boonrasri, Siwarote; ศิวโรฒ บุญราศณี (2021-08-07)
      The purpose of this research was to study hot-melt adhesives from natural rubber (Standard Thai Rubber 20, STR 20). In order to improve the adhesion and melting properties of hot-melt adhesive to get the best glue formula ...
    • Household heat use to improve sweet tamarind quality 

      Pachanatong, Manee; Suttha, Walaiporn; Panyathitipong, Woralak; มณี ภาชนะทอง; วไลภรณ์ สุทธา; วรลักษณ์ ปัญญาธิติพงศ์ (2020-01-06)
      Sweet tamarind is a unique and economic plant of Phetchaboon province and it has already been geographical indication (GI) registered. One of its main problems is fungal degeneration which cannot be physically visible. ...
    • Human capital management (HCM): meaning importance evolution and trends 

      Chamaram, Surasak (2018-07-05)
      Human resource is, nowadays, an important thing to every organization. Human resource is the main key to drive the organizations to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently. Many organizations have thus started ...
    • Human resource management for startup business 

      Wiriyapipat, Nipa; นิภา วิริยะพิพัฒน์ (2020-09-07)
      The government of Thailand has endorsed “Thailand 4.0”as its new ploy and economic model for country development driven by innovation with the main focus on the importance and support to the startup business effectively. ...