Now showing items 383-402 of 688

    • Influence of drying air velocity characteristics on paddy drying 

      Wongbubpa, Nuttapong; ณัฐพงษ์ วงศ์บับพา; Treeamnuk, Krawee; กระวี ตรีอำนรรค; Treeamnuk, Tawarat; เทวรัตน์ ตรีอำนรรค (2023-03-29)
      The objective of this research was to study the influence of drying air velocity characteristics on paddy drying. The pneumatic dryer prototype was used in this study. Test drying 15 kg of Hom Pathum paddy at 22 – 25% ...
    • Influence of pruning on flowering, yield and fruit quality of longan 

      Sritontip, Chiti; Changjeraja, Sunti; Khaosumain, Yuttana; Tongaram, Direk; Boonket, Thananon (2017-08-22)
      This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of pruning on floral emergence, fruiting, yield and fruit quality in longan. Fifteen years old “Daw” longan trees were pruned in June 2013 at Agricultural Technology ...
    • Influence of sucrose on the degradation of anthocyanins in makiang jam 

      จินาการ, ชณิชา; จันทราช, ฐิติการณ์; กุลวงศ์, เพียงดาว; เศรษฐปราโมทย์, ณัฏวลิณคล (2015-05-21)
      The aim of this research was to study the influence of sucrose on the degradation of anthocyanins in makiang jam. Makiang flesh was prepared by three different methods. In the first method, makiang flesh was mixed with ...
    • Influence of the mordant on dyeing properties of cotton yarn with natural dye extracted from teak leaves 

      ขันเพ็ชร, ดารณี; วิสุทธิธาดา, วิรัน (2015-06-05)
      The objective of this research was to study influence of five different kinds of the mordant, copper sulfate (CuSO4), ferrous sulphate (FeSO4), alum and chitosan on dyeing properties of cotton yarn with natural dye extracted ...
    • Influences of rotation speed mechanical properties of dissimilar joint between SSM7075 with SSM356 by friction welding 

      ชัยยุทธ มีงาม; ศุภชัย ชัยณรงค์; ประภาศ เมืองจันทร์บุรี (2016-09-12)
      The objective of this research is to study how rotation speeds affect mechanical properties with friction welding between semi-solid metal 7075 aluminum alloys and semi-solid metal 356 aluminum alloys. The factor of interest ...
    • Information seeking for writing the term paper of science and fisheries technology students , Rajamangala University of technology srivijaya, 

      ศรีชัย, ประภาศรี (2015-06-03)
      The objectives of this research were to study the information seeking method and problems of students at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Trang Campus, the Faculty of Science and Fisheries Technology. The ...
    • Infuence of processing and storage conditions on physicochemical properties of chili powder and roasted chili powder 

      Sukchum, Nichaporn; ณิชาภรน์ สุขชุ่ม; Surasereewong, Supitchaya; สุพิชญา สุรเสรีวงษ์; Chaethong, Kwanhathai; ขวัญหทัย แช่ทอง (2023-03-29)
      Development of chili powder products through consumer survey to be used as the information for the development of high quality chili powder. The quality and physicochemical properties of chili powder during storage were ...
    • Innovations for the tourism: quick cooking rice 

      วานิชชัง, ใจทิพย์; วานิชชัง, ผดุงศักดิ์; บุญกระจ่าง, นฤมล; วานิชชัง, เพียงขวัญ (2015-05-21)
      The objectives of this research were to develop the quick cooking rice combination with nutrition values check. The shelf life of quick cooking rice in difference packages was also studied. The experiment was set at ...
    • Inorganic filler-filled epoxy adhesive for electronic packaging application 

      แซ่ซื้อ, ชุติพงศ์; สมหวังธนโรจน์, อนงค์นาฏ (2015-06-05)
      As the high performance electronic devices are required, the better heat dissipation in electronic packaging is necessary. In this work, the thermal diffusivity of epoxy-based adhesive used as an underfill material in ...
    • The input power factor control of a carrier-based dipolar PWM for matrix converters 

      เกียรติสุขคณาธร, ไพบูลย์; แสงวงค์วาณิชย์, สมบูรณ์ (2015-05-19)
      This paper presents the input power factor control of a modulation using a carrier-based dipolar for matrix converters by determining the optimum value of free parameters, b and d, in general solutions of the modulation ...
    • An insulation analysis of high voltage transformer bushing 

      Meesomphong, Chennarong; Woothipatanapan, Sakhon; Rugthaicharoencheep, Nattachote (2018-07-03)
      This article presents how the analysis an insulation of high voltage transformer bushing. The purpose is to analysis the moisture in the bushing to evaluate the approach for maintenance. The analysis rely on the principle ...
    • The internal control of organization in RajamangalaUniversity of Technology Isan, Surin campus 

      ศาลาผาย, ทัศวรรณ; โคตรทัศน์, ทิฆัมพร (2015-06-02)
      This research was to study about the internal controls of organization in RMUTI, Surin campus. The purposes of this research were to study about the internal controls, the performing process of organization and the comparison ...
    • Internet management system using radius protocol 

      Wipa, Don; Namman, Chatchawin (2018-07-04)
      The purpose of this research was to design and develop an internet management system using radius protocol for a school. The system was developed by PHP language, MySQL database, and radius protocol. It allowed an administrator ...
    • The Inventory Control System of S. SIRISEANG Company Limited 

      ฉัตรศักดาเดช, กันยา (2012-07-28)
      The purposes of this study were: 1. to study the inventory control system of S. Siriseang Company Limited 2. to study the causes and problems of differences between the real practical work and the company manual 3. to solve ...
    • Investigate instructional management of general education in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

      Wichiranon, Songiri (2018-07-05)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate instructional management of general education in Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon according to Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education. The research ...
    • The investigation of pozzolanic reaction of rice husk ash blended with fly ash by accelerated curing 

      Dumrongsil, Sarote; สาโรจน์ ดำรงศิล (2020-01-07)
      This paper presents the investigation of pozzolanic reaction of rice husk ash blended with fly ash by accelerated curing. The compressive strength of cement paste containing rice husk ash blended with fly ash at 30% by ...
    • Investigation of the effect of harmonic currents on losses of phase shifting transformers and its realization using a 15-degree phase shifting transformer 

      Kiatsookkanatorn, Paiboon; ไพบูลย์ เกียรติสุขคณาธร; Klamrak, Passawit; ภาสวิชญ์ กล่ำรักษ์; Yindeeyom, Narongrit; ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ ยินดียม; Watjanatepin, Napat; นภัทร วัจนเทพินทร์ (2023-03-28)
      The trend of energy savings has been widely interested and phase shift transformers (HMT) have been extensively used. This paper presents the investigation of the effect of harmonic currents on losses of the HMT. In this ...
    • ISO 22301: key success factors 

      Wiriyapipat, Nipa; นิภา วิริยะพิพัฒน์ (2020-01-19)
      From the past, many organizations have been severe impacted to their business continuity from unexpected disruptions or disasters. Disruptions to the business can result in company damage and failure. Therefore, it is ...
    • Isolation and selection of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from wedelia trilobata (L.) A.S. hitchcock rhizosphere 

      Sutthisa, Waraporn; วราภรณ์ สุทธิสา; Khamjandee, Siriprapa; ศิริประภา คำจันดี (2020-09-07)
      The objective of this research was to isolate plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from Wedelia trilobata (L.) A.S. Hitchcock rhizosphere, and preliminarily test their plant growth promoting properties such as nitrogen ...
    • Isolation, classification and study of the influence of glow discharge plasma on dirty panicle rice fungal pathogens 

      Sutthisa, Waraporn; Chaidee, Perachat; Saengkaewsuk, Supicha; Chingsungnoen, Artit (2023-03-28)
      This study was conducted to isolate and classify fungal dirty panicle disease pathogens from five rice varieties. Observation of rice seeds under stereo microscope showed that the seeds from all five varieties had 100% ...