Now showing items 423-442 of 688

    • Mathematical modelling for design the control system of a liquid 

      กันทะพะเยา, ยุทธนา; เรืองพัฒนาวิวัฒน์, เฉลิมพล (2015-05-20)
      This paper presents a mathematical modelling for design the control system of a liquid. The system are consists of one and two tanks of a liquid. To confirm, the achieved mathematical modelling is used to design P, PI, PD, ...
    • The Mathematical simulation compared to operations a small distributed photovoltaic power plant in a distribution system 

      Boonthienthong, Manat; มนัส บุญเทียรทอง; Ngamprasert, Papon; ปพน งามประเสริฐ; Rugthaicharoencheep, Nattachote; รักไทยเจริญชีพ, นัฐโชติ (2022-04-23)
      This paper presents a mathematical simulation to compared to operations a small distributed photovoltaic power plant in the distribution system. Practices transmission of electric power by small, distributed solar energy ...
    • Mechanical properties of concrete mixed with reused ceramic tiles reinforced with steel fiber from milling processed 

      ชูศิลป์, นันทชัย; บุญราศรี, พรนรายณ์; ขวัญยืน, ทรงวุฒิ; ไกรรัตน์, ธวัชชัย; แซ่เลียว, ภูริวัจน์ (2015-05-19)
      This research, study the mechanical properties of concrete mixed with reused ceramic tiles reinforced with steel fiber from milling processed. The compressive strength of all concretes were designed at 300 ksc at 28 days, ...
    • Mechanical properties of UHMWPE composite with al2O3 for application in engineering 

      Chalo, Ngampan; งามพรรณ ชะโล; Chartpuk, Prakorb; ประกอบ ชาติภุกต์ (2023-03-29)
      In conducting the research on Material Science, two composite materials, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) powder and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powder were formulated by hot compression molding process. The ...
    • Melanin production and antibacterial activity by melanin produced by actinomycetes strain PNST-01 and PRBS-12 

      Pattanapipitpaisal, Pranee; ปราณี พัฒนพิพิธไพศาล; Promla, Panumat; ภานุมาศ พรมลา; Srichantha, Supaporn; สุภาภรณ์ ศรีจันทา (2020-09-07)
      The objectives of this research were to characterize growth and melanin production on different culture media, effect of copper ion and cobalt ion on growth and melanin production including antibacterial activity of ...
    • Melting point and natural convective heat transfer coefficient of paraffin wax 

      Thongon, Arjaree; อาจารีย์ ทองอ่อน; Pramukkul, Pensri; เพ็ญศรี ประมุขกุล; Luksameevanish, Vilaiporn; วิไลพร ลักษมีวาณิชย์ (2020-09-07)
      This research was aimed to study melting behavior of paraffin wax and to evaluate the natural heat convection coefficient of solid cylinder paraffin wax. Two grades of solid paraffin wax; white commercial grade and yellow ...
    • Method development of gamma-oryzanol analysis in rice bran with environmental friendly solvent 

      Hongkrengkai, Rattapon; รัฐพล หงส์เกรียงไกร; Chaiyo, Atsadawut; อัษฎาวุธ ไชยโย; Khawkoom, Uemporn; เอื้อมพร ขาวคุ้ม; Kumtabtim, Usarat; อุษารัตน์ คำทับทิม (2020-09-07)
      This research project aim to develop method for analysis of gamma-oryzanol in rice bran with environmental friendly solvent. The total content of gamma-oryzanol in rice bran was investigated using the combination between ...
    • Method for working-life enhancement of epoxy-based adhesive 

      วโรกร, ชลธิชา; สมหวังธนโรจน์, อนงค์นาฏ (2015-06-05)
      For one-part adhesive systems, a long working-life adhesive, which can be cured rapidly at processing temperature, is required in industrial applications because it provides assembly process versatility. The aim of this ...
    • Method of preparing and drying on physical and chemical croperties of germinated khaohang rice from kdml105 

      ห้วยแสน, กรรณิการ์; ห้วยแสน, จิระพันธ์; ชมนาวัง, ชาญณรงค์; สาระบุตร, หนูเดือน; พึ่งพันธุ์, พัฒนา (2015-05-21)
      These researches were to determine the preparing and drying on physical and chemical properties of germinated khaohang rice from KDML105. Two factors on study were preparing germinated khaohang rice (chill at 5 oC and ...
    • Methylene blue adsorption using pomelo peels charcoal prepared by traditional charcoal burning 

      Junploy, Patcharanan; พัชรนันท์ จันทร์พลอย; Loungdee, Krittiyaporn; กฤติยาภรณ์ หลวงดี; Jiwalak, Naparat; นภารัตน์ จิวาลักษณ์ (2020-09-21)
      The pomelo peels charcoal was successfully prepared by traditional charcoal burning and its adsorption of methylene blue was investigated. The influences of methylene blue adsorption including contact time and methylene ...
    • Microbiological hazard and critical control points of the school lunch production : khao kluk ka pi 

      Jamphon, Amporn; อำพร แจ่มผล; U.Patanacheep, Anchanee; อัญชนีย์ อุทัยพัฒนาชีพ; Mahakarnjanakul, Warapa; วราภา มหากาญจนกุล; Limsuwan, Tasanee; ทัศนีย์ ลิ้มสุวรรณ (2016-09-09)
      The objectives were to study microbiological hazard of Khao kluk ka pi for school food service, risk assessment and critical control points (CCP) according to HACCP principles.The production of Khao kluk ka pi had the ...
    • Microbiological quality of milk-shaked drinks in unsealed containers sold in market fair, roadside and stall around Mahasarakham University 

      Somtrakoon, Khanitta; Phoobantad, Chutima; Saengsuriya, Santichai; Kaiyawat, Uraiwan; Maneerat, Sujira; ขนิษฐา สมตระกูล; ชุติมา ภูบรรทัด; สันติชัย แสงสุริยะ; อุไรวรรณ ไกยะวัตร; สุจิรา มณีรัตน์ (2020-01-05)
      The aim of this study was to investigate the microbiological quality of milk-shaked drinks including Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, yeast and molds in unsealed containers sold ...
    • Mini brown rice mill for house hold 

      นนทพุทธ, ธนัสถ์; เฉลิมวงศ์, กรภัทร; ตันติวิวัทน์, ศักดิ์ชัย; รัตนาภรณ์, ณชพร (2015-05-19)
      This article presents the mini brown rice mill for household that is useful for farmers. After the harvest, farmers keep their rice in the barn waiting for milling or paddy selling. In the rice market, the cost of the paddy ...
    • Mobile Test Systems Based on Sun's Light Controlled by a Microcontroller to Determine the Efficiency of Solar Cells 

      หลวงโภชน์, เอกลักษณ์; เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว, ศุภวุฒิ; นวกิจพิทักษ์, ทัศนัย; บุญเสนอ, อภิชาติ (2012-07-28)
      Current energy from sun made a significant contribution in the electricity manufacturing industry in Thailand. However, the potential application of solar energy are at the low level. The agency will need to make solar ...
    • The model of a sufficiency economy philosophy with socioeconomics of rural community’s households, Northeastern Thailand 

      ดอนขวา, ขวัญกมล (2015-06-11)
      The objectives of this research were 1) to develop and validate the structural equation model of application of the sufficiency economy philosophy with socioeconomics of rural community households, 2) to study the importance ...
    • A modified compressor of single phase 220 volt to three phase 220 volt for air conditioner controlled with variable speed drive 

      ตรีภาค, เกษม; แก้วดำ, ประสงค์; สิทธิ, สุขสันต์; ยอดแก้ว, ศุภกิตติ์; พัชรประกิติ, นพพร (2015-05-14)
      This paper is proposed a compressor of spilt type air conditioning modification for using with variable speed drive to control room temperature. This technique is implemented by modified reciprocating compressor of 220 V ...
    • Moisture sorption isotherms of khao dawk mali 105 paddy 

      Pengprakhon, Tinnakorn; ทินกร เพ็งประโคน; Treeamnuk, Krawee; กระวี ตรีอำนรรค; Treeamnuk, Tawarat; เทวรัตน์ ตรีอำนรรค; Ruttanadech, Nuttapong; ณัฐพงศ์ รัตนเดช (2023-03-28)
      The objectives of this research were the determination of sorption isotherms and the comparison of mathematical models to determine a suitable model in different temperature ranges for Khao Dawk Mali 105. This experiment ...
    • Monitoring Controlled Car via a Computer with Wireless GPS Syste 

      เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว, ศุภวุฒิ; หวังสอาด, อภิวัฒน์; ศรีแจ่ม, ศิริศักดิ์; โปรดประโคน, วสันต์ (2013-02-26)
      Abstract The monitoring of controlled car via a computer with wireless GPS system project was invented to monitor a car via a computer with wireless GPS system that could send a car's coordination back to the controller ...
    • Need assessment in environment management for students’ learning development of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon 

      Wichiranon, Songsiri; ทรงสิริ วิชิรานนท์; Arunreung, Arunee; อรุณี อรุณเรือง (2020-01-18)
      The purposes of this research were to study, to rank the needs and find solutions of RMUTP environment management on undergraduate students’learning development of RMUTP environment management on undergraduate students’learning ...
    • The need of foreign tourists towards the hospitality of chiang rai people 

      พนมไพร, ประภาพร (2015-06-03)
      The purposes of this research were to study the characteristics, attitudes behavior and the needs of foreign tourists towards the hospitality of Chiang Rai people. The result found that most of foreign tourists were male ...