Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 688
Ability to support and waste management in the tourist district of phu fa nan
(2015-06-09)The purpose of this research was to study ability to support and waste management in the tourist district of Phu Fa Nan for planning problems of environmental pollution, solid waste according to the principle. To support ... -
The achievement of dynamic physics by using a video program for students of the faculty of science and fisheries technology
(2015-06-03)The purposes of this research was to study’s students’ learning achievement and to study’s students’ satisfactory towards a Video Program instruction. The population of 30 students who studies the introductory physics at ... -
Acidification processes of carving vegetable using acid conditioning machine under temperature and pressure control
(2021-08-07). This research aimed to study the acidification processes of carving vegetable using acid conditioning machine under emperature and pressure control which was developed in this study. Four acidification procedures were ... -
Administration by the uses of modern technology and social network for people services of the police hospital
(2020-01-19)The main objectives of this study were to study 1) problems of administration, 2)the improvement guidelines, and 3) comparing some sample groups’ comments to the overview of the administration improvement guidelines by ... -
The Administration of Hotel Business for Knowledge Management : from Concept to Practice
(Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, 2007-05-01)At present, business globalization is highly competitive, and so is hotel business administration. Therefore, to maintain effectiveness and growth in hotel business administration, appropriate strategies must be implemented ... -
Administration of student support system of the elementary schools under Bangkok elementary educational service area office
(2020-01-18)The objectives of this study wree to: 1) study the administration of student support system of elementary schools under Bangkok elementary education service area office according to the opinion of administrators and ... -
Administration of Student's Activities in Primary Schools in Bangkok Education Area Office 3
(2013-02-26)The purposes of this research were: 1) to study overall administration of student's activities in primary schools in Bangkok Education Area Off ice 3, and 2) to compare level of student's activities administration, classif ... -
Adsorption of chromium (III) solution using calcium hydroxyapatite
(2022-04-24)Chromium (III) is an inorganic salt being used as corrosion inhibitor, plating agents, surface treating agents, furniture, furnishings, and textile printing, and etc. The discharge of industrial waste water containing ... -
The Adsorption of methylene blue dye on activated carbon prepared from molasses by using chemical and microwave ctivation
(2022-04-24)This research aims to produce activated carbon from molasses via a chemical activation process with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and a microwave heating process, which consumes less energy and provides more rapid and uniform ... -
Anaerobic digestion of concentrated food waste in biogas production system
(2018-07-03)The purposes of this research were to investigate anaerobic digestion of concentrated food waste in biogas production system at mesophilic temperature (37 C). The effect of grinding and pH controlled at 6.20 and 7.00 on ... -
Analysis of factors affecting the volume of lemongrass oil from distiller by experimental design
(2018-07-03)The purposes of this research were to investigate the factors consisted of a temperature, different parts of the lemongrass and a size of chopped lemongrass that affected to distillation of lemongrass essential oils. There ... -
Analysis of needs and expert’s opinions on the competency required of computer Job category for work integrated learning (WiL) in higher education
(2015-06-10)The aim of this research is to analyze the needs and opinions of experts concerning competency required for computer related jobs in the present and the future. Its outcomes would be used in designing a Work-integrated ... -
Analysis of the media king mongkut's institute of technology ladkrabang with University Rankings Using the Webometrics
(2018-07-05)The purpose of this analysis is to: 1) Study the website development policy of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. 2) National and Global University Rankings by Webometrics Ranking of World Universities by ... -
The analysis of the relationship between securities price and the efficiency of the account receivable management, case study: the listed companies in the stock exchange of thailand, agricultural business group
(2015-06-03)The objectives of this research are to analyze the relationship between securities price and the efficiency of the account receivable management and to study the model of improving the efficiency of the account receivable ... -
Analysis of wind speed data and annual energy potential at Samoeng district in Thailand
(2022-04-23)In this study, the wind speed characteristic and evaluation of wind power generation at Samoeng district, Chiang Mai were investigated using wind speed data and wind direction data, during time of January 2011 to December ... -
Android application for control electrical and temperature system in silkworm house
(2015-05-20)Silk was one of economic goods that provided high revenue for agriculturists. Due to changing weather, however, there were some problems and limitations of silkworm breeding. For instance, too hot and humid weather caused ... -
Angular rotary macadamia nut cracker machine
(2017-08-22)This research aims to design and construct small-scale angular rotary macadamia nut cracker machine, using angular rotary striking mechanism. The proposed machine can crack 3 sizes of macadamia nuts - 17-22 mm, 23-28 mm, ... -
Antibacterial activities of the crude extract of acrostichumaureum l. growing at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Campus
(2015-05-22)The aim of this research was to study the antibacterial activities of crude extract, with hexane, from the leaves, stems, corms and roots of Acrostichumaureum L. by disc diffusion method against the pathogens viz., Bacillus ... -
Antibacterial activity of indigo dyed fabrics
(2022-04-24)The objective of this research was to study the antibacterial activity of 16 samples of indigo dyed fabrics that are produced and sold in Sakon Nakhon Province. Effect of moisture and pH of indigo dyed fabrics on bacterial ... -
Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from myrtaceae at kuankreng peatlands
(2015-06-04)The purpose of this research was to study antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Myrtaceae ( Melaleuca cajeputi, Malaleuca leucadendra, Syzygium cumini L. and Rhodomyrtus tomentasa (Ait.) Hassk.) ...