Now showing items 129-148 of 688

    • The decision factors for parents to enroll their children in Private Kindergartens in Yannawa District 

      Nernsai, Thipsuda; ทิพย์สุดา เนินทราย; Tangchitsomkit, Wilai; วิไล ตั้งจิตสมคิด; Labmala, Surasak; สุรศักดิ์ หลาบมาลา (2020-01-18)
      The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the factors effecting parents’ decision in enrolling their children in private kindergartens in Yannawa District, 2) compare the decision factors for parents to enroll their ...
    • Demand for knowledge development about administrative of the sub district administration organization in Phitsanulok Province 

      สำราญ, โสภณา; โพธิคามบำรุง, ปฏิกมล; ปรางสุรางค์, พิมพ์ใจ; คำรอด, ปัณณวิช (2015-06-03)
      This study aims to survey the demand of the sub district administrative staffs in Phitsanulok province for self-development about administrative knowledge. The result showed that the essential knowledge for administration ...
    • The design and construction of remote control lawn mower by radio wave 

      ศรีธรรม, ปิยะวัฒน์; สารางคำ, เรืองฤทธิ์; เชิดชัย, เดชชาติ; ศรีธรรม, สมชญา (2015-05-19)
      Thesis is the development of radio-controlled lawn mower which can move and cut the grass in the desired environment and dangerous to human. The objective is to develop a radio-controlled lawn mower. The results showed ...
    • The design and construction of shell and tube heat exchangers for use in the manufacture of Ice 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; ทองโยธี, สุกัญญา; ศรีเชียงสา, ประพัฒพงษ์; สุภาภิรักษ์, ดาวิทย์; วรรณศรี, ยุทธนากร (2015-05-18)
      This paper presents a study of heat exchanger design for improving the performance of ice maker by using waste water from ice factory. The heat exchanger was made of stainless steel and had 4.023 m2 of heating surface. ...
    • Design and development of calculation program for magnetic fields intensity of high voltage transmission and distribution lines 

      เคลือบวัณณรัตน์, ประภาพรรณ (2015-06-11)
      This paper presents a program developed for calculating magnetic field intensity of high voltage transmission line and high voltage distribution lines. This program was developed with Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft ...
    • The design and development of packaging for mixing mangosteen extract soap of faculty of science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi 

      เจริญพงษ์มาลา, จุฑามาศ (2015-06-09)
      The purposes of this research were 1) to study problems and needs of designing packages for mixing mangosteen extract soap for the Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, 2) to ...
    • Design and development of social media application for expanding experience of museum visitors : a case of temporarily closed museums 

      จตุพร, อุทัยวรรณ; สุขคณาภิบาล, กิ่งกาญจน์ (2014-11-17)
      Museums and art galleries have utilized social media to communicate with their visitors or people who share the same interest and to improve visitors’ experience in six aspects: recreation, socialization, learning experience, ...
    • The design and development of spray drying technology for the production of processed salt 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; ฮ้อเถาว์, กมลรัตน์; ดวงกาคร, ทรงศักดิ์; อิ่มพูล, นวพล (2015-05-18)
      The objective of study was to design and development of spray drying technology for production of salt powder. The process design and build spray dryer that consisted of three parts: an atomizer, a drying column and a dry ...
    • The design and development problem in wear house and decoration group for one Tumbon one product production group (OTOP), mini and medium SMEs in pathumthani province. 

      เรืองโกศล, คมสัน; เจริญพงษ์มาลา, จุฑามาศ (2015-06-09)
      This research aimed to study and analyse conditions and problems in designing and developing household and decorative products of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pathumthani province. ...
    • Design and implementation of economical cost 30V 1 kW DC-electronic load controlled by microcontroller 

      หน่อท้าว, นัตพล; ดีเสมอ, ขวัญ; ดวงใน, ภาคภูมิ; กาญจนพิบูลย์, ชาญยุทธ์ (2015-05-19)
      Electronic load is an importance part of power supplies testing system. For non-electronic load type, it is required to replace a resister with a new one leading to complicated working procedure. The modern power electronic ...
    • Design of cmos voltage reference circuit 

      สุขสวัสดิ์, อติราช; เสงี่ยมวิบูล, วรวัฒน์; หงษ์ประสิทธิ์, เศวษ (2015-05-20)
      This paper presents a CMOS voltage reference design, which is widely used in electronic circuits, both analog and digital circuits. In the conventional, a CMOS voltage reference circuit design composed of several MOS ...
    • The design of disc patterns for pepper mill 

      วิโรจน์ชีวัน, ประเสริฐ; เพียรประสิทธิ์, สมใจ (2015-05-19)
      The purpose of this research is to improve the pepper mill for increasing performance. The characteristic of the pepper mill is a trapezoid shape. The structure is made of angle steel and stainless steel sheet. The motor ...
    • The design of floating house for use in thailand 

      จันทนา, ขวัญชัย; ด้วงผึ้ง, สิปปะ; เหลาโชติ, วรัญญู (2015-06-09)
      This research is about analyzing the design of floating houses including area function, structure and construction materials. Floating houses design are energy saving and security. The materials must be strong and durable. ...
    • The design of handicraft product from palm leaf for consumer satisfaction and demand at tambon takaok, amper bantak, tak province 

      บัวน้อย, ชญาภา; ยอดสุวรรณ, พรพิมล (2015-06-03)
      The purposes of this research were 1) Study behavior and demand of consumers for handicraft product from palm leaf. 2) Design and development handicraft product from palm Leaf. 3) Study of consumer satisfaction for handicraft ...
    • The Design of power harvester for passive RFID Tags 

      Wattanamongkhol, Norrarat; Prakaraphan, Chaiphan (2023-03-28)
      This paper presents the design of a power harvester for passive RFID Tags. An impedance matching circuit chooses a high-pass L network inserted between the antenna and rectifier circuit to maximize the power transferred ...
    • Design of the control system to control AC/DC converter with a fast transient response 

      กันทะพะเยา, ยุทธนา; เรืองพัฒนาวิวัฒน์, เฉลิมพล; วิบูลย์ ชื่นแขก, วิบูลย์ ชื่นแขก (2015-05-20)
      This paper presents a design of the control system to control AC/DC converter. Algorithm of a control system design consists of the output voltage loop control used a fuzzy gain scheduling of PI control and the current ...
    • Design of the low cost micro-climate station based on LabVIEW 

      Watjanatepin, Napat; นภัทร วัจนเทพินทร์; Boonmee, Chaiyant; ไชยยันต์ บุญมี (2016-09-07)
      The objective of this research is to develop a small and low-cost weather station. The station will be wireless, transmit and receive data via radio signals. The 45mW solar cell will be used as a solar irradiance sensor ...
    • Design of the molds for basketry water hyacinth to creative products concept of local identity 

      Phontharaphong, Yuvadee; ยุวดี พรธาราพงศ์; Siripithakul, Arnut; อาณัฏ ศิริพิชญ์ตระกูล (2020-09-07)
      The objective of this study 1) To study the shape of the template from the process of making basketry 2) To design a template hyacinth wicker products creative products 3) To test the woven pattern of water hyacinth wicker ...
    • Design of the printed loop antenna for HF-RFID system 

      ปงกา, รัตติญา; ส่องแสง, วิทูรย์; แก้วดวงตา, ศุภกิต; พงศ์เจริญพาณิชย์, ชูวงค์ (2015-05-20)
      In this paper, the printed loop antenna is proposed for high frequency radio frequency identification (HF-RFID) systems (13.56 MHz). The proposed antenna is designed on the printed circuit board (PCB). The antenna structure ...
    • Desired characteristics of student trainees as perceived by executives of tourism entrepreneurs 

      Jungprawate, Patcharin (2018-07-05)
      The Purposes of this research were to study and to compare the Desired Characteristics of Training Students as Perceived by Executives of Tourism Entrepreneur in accordance with the following variables: sex, age, ...