Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 414-433 of 688
Machine physical therapy cervical spondylossis
(2015-05-20)Machine Physical Therapy Cervical Spondylossis to create a pull back and pull the neck up of Machine Physical Therapy Cervical Spondylossis. There are two parts for the conventional system: the neck and the back but the ... -
Magnetic field effect on physicochemical properties of water
(2021-08-07)Water is a vital component of almost every organism. Magnetic fields effecting on physical properties of water are reported in this work. In order to obtain the magnetized water, magnetic fields were applied and subsequently ... -
The management of academic affairs and the enhancement of the twelve principal values of thai people according to the policy of national committee for peace and order of private elementary sarasas affiliated schools in bangkok Area.
(2020-01-19)The objectives of this research were : 1) study the management of academic affairs of private elementary Sarasas Affiliated Schools in Bangkok Area, 2) to study the effectiveness of the enhancement of the twelve principal ... -
Management of waste from the laboratory faculty of pharmacy mahidol university
(2015-06-09)The purpose of this research was to develope the laboratory waste management and provide this knowledge to the students and the research assistants of Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University by using the methodology of ... -
Manufacturing valuation for the standards for community products in kamphaeng phet province
(2015-05-21)The objective of this study is to upgrade the quality of community product manufacturers in Kamphaeng Phet province to the national and international level of the standard for community products by using a knowledge ... -
Marketing channel of organic longan in domestic and foreign markets
(2015-06-02)This study was aimed to explore marketing channel of organic longan in domestic and foreign markets as well as problems encountered of the northern organic longan group. Data collection was done through in-depth interview ... -
The marketing communication to participate bike for dad in Bangkok
(2018-07-04)The Purposes of this research were to study demographic characteristics and marketing communications toward Bike for Dad participation in Bangkok on December 11, 2015. A total of 99,999 people registered to join this cycling ... -
The Marketing Mix Factors Application for Decision Making to Select Wedding Consult Services at Bangkoknoi District in Bangkok Metropolitan
(2012-07-28)The objectives of this study are to study the usage of the marketing mix factors application for decision making to select wedding consult services at Bangkoknoi district in Bangkok metropolistan, to study the decision ... -
Marketing Mix Factors Influencing Purchasing Decisions of Consumers in Seacon Square Shopping Mall
(2012-07-28)This research aims to study the marketing mix factors that influence consumers’ purchasing decisions and to compare the marketing mix factors that influence purchasing decisions of consumers in the Seacon Square shopping ... -
Mathematical modelling for design the control system of a liquid
(2015-05-20)This paper presents a mathematical modelling for design the control system of a liquid. The system are consists of one and two tanks of a liquid. To confirm, the achieved mathematical modelling is used to design P, PI, PD, ... -
The Mathematical simulation compared to operations a small distributed photovoltaic power plant in a distribution system
(2022-04-23)This paper presents a mathematical simulation to compared to operations a small distributed photovoltaic power plant in the distribution system. Practices transmission of electric power by small, distributed solar energy ... -
Mechanical properties of concrete mixed with reused ceramic tiles reinforced with steel fiber from milling processed
(2015-05-19)This research, study the mechanical properties of concrete mixed with reused ceramic tiles reinforced with steel fiber from milling processed. The compressive strength of all concretes were designed at 300 ksc at 28 days, ... -
Mechanical properties of UHMWPE composite with al2O3 for application in engineering
(2023-03-29)In conducting the research on Material Science, two composite materials, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) powder and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) powder were formulated by hot compression molding process. The ... -
Melanin production and antibacterial activity by melanin produced by actinomycetes strain PNST-01 and PRBS-12
(2020-09-07)The objectives of this research were to characterize growth and melanin production on different culture media, effect of copper ion and cobalt ion on growth and melanin production including antibacterial activity of ... -
Melting point and natural convective heat transfer coefficient of paraffin wax
(2020-09-07)This research was aimed to study melting behavior of paraffin wax and to evaluate the natural heat convection coefficient of solid cylinder paraffin wax. Two grades of solid paraffin wax; white commercial grade and yellow ... -
Method development of gamma-oryzanol analysis in rice bran with environmental friendly solvent
(2020-09-07)This research project aim to develop method for analysis of gamma-oryzanol in rice bran with environmental friendly solvent. The total content of gamma-oryzanol in rice bran was investigated using the combination between ... -
Method for working-life enhancement of epoxy-based adhesive
(2015-06-05)For one-part adhesive systems, a long working-life adhesive, which can be cured rapidly at processing temperature, is required in industrial applications because it provides assembly process versatility. The aim of this ... -
Method of preparing and drying on physical and chemical croperties of germinated khaohang rice from kdml105
(2015-05-21)These researches were to determine the preparing and drying on physical and chemical properties of germinated khaohang rice from KDML105. Two factors on study were preparing germinated khaohang rice (chill at 5 oC and ... -
Methylene blue adsorption using pomelo peels charcoal prepared by traditional charcoal burning
(2020-09-21)The pomelo peels charcoal was successfully prepared by traditional charcoal burning and its adsorption of methylene blue was investigated. The influences of methylene blue adsorption including contact time and methylene ... -
Microbiological hazard and critical control points of the school lunch production : khao kluk ka pi
(2016-09-09)The objectives were to study microbiological hazard of Khao kluk ka pi for school food service, risk assessment and critical control points (CCP) according to HACCP principles.The production of Khao kluk ka pi had the ...