Now showing items 646-665 of 688

    • Usage behavior and satisfaction towards information technology of personnel in the ministry of culture. 

      มั่นวิชาชัย, ภุมภา (2015-06-05)
      The objectives of this research are 1) to study usage behavior and satisfaction in the information technology of personnel in the Ministry of Culture. 2) To study the relationship of usage behavior and satisfaction of ...
    • Use epoxidized natural rubber as coupling agent for reinforcement calcium carbonate filled natural rubber 

      สายจันทร์, เดี่ยว; รัตนพันธ์, สุวัฒน์ (2015-06-05)
      The reduction of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particle was prepared by wet grinding method with 40% dispersion. The particle sizes of CaCO3 were studied with various time of wet grinding. It was found that the particle sizes ...
    • Use of humectants in mulberry paste product 

      Onsamlee, Gannigar; กรรณิการ์ อ่อนสำลี (2022-04-24)
      The shelf-life extension of mulberry paste by using humectants to place sugar content could maintain the moisture while reducing the water activity (aw) of the product. The objectives of this research were to study on ...
    • The use of sinin rice flour substituted wheat flour in the crust of flaky chinese pastry (kha-nom pia kularb) 

      Chysirichote, Teeranuch; Mekrawee, Natjaya; ธีรนุช ฉายศิริโชติ; ณัจยา เมฆราวี (2020-01-06)
      The objectives of this research were to study the effect of the substitution of sinin rice flour to wheat flour in the crust of the flaky Chinese pastry (Kha-Nom Pia Kularb) on the physical quality, the chemical composition ...
    • The used of bamboo residues from chopstick production for mushroom cultivation material 

      พงศ์ธรพฤกษ์, สุภาพร; ไกรวุฒินันท์, ปริญญา (2015-06-09)
      Bamboo sawdust from chopstick production process was used as substrate for Indian oyster (Phoenix mushroom) cultivation. Experimental studies in cultivation material including wood sawdust, bamboo sawdust and fermented ...
    • Using a rubber sheet instead of the sulfur-capping in the compressive strength of concrete testing 

      Dumrongsil, Sarote; สาโรจน์ ดำรงศีล (2016-09-12)
      This research aims to study the using a rubber sheet instead of the sulfur-capping accordance with ASTM C 617 in the compressive strength of concrete testing. The three of the compressive strength of concrete i.e. 180, ...
    • Using information technology for CRM in higher education institute 

      Hongsamut, Artaphon (2018-07-05)
      In a highly competitive business and information technology is used as tool to help organization management since it provides processes promoting advantages of future competition.CRM applying for better effective education ...
    • Using multimedia computers to promote the study on educational quality assurance 

      ชูแก้ว, ศศิธร; สุขสำราญ, สุทธิศักดิ์; รอดแจ่ม, ประจักรชัย; ทิพยอมร, ณัฏฐภัทร (2015-06-10)
      The learning of Educational Quality Assurance topic has been important for students and educators. The nature of the topic has more complex contents of key performance index (KPI) and students are asked to learn by following ...
    • Using project work titled lanna wisdom in sustainable development subject for undergraduate students of Rajamagala University of Technology, lanna 

      จีนา, ยุรธร; ญาณสาร, วิภาดา (2015-06-10)
      This research was to used Lanna wisdom project-based learning activities in sufficiency economy of sustainable development courses for undergraduate students Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Mai. The ...
    • Utilization coconut fiber added in kha nom tong muan 

      เพ็ชรรัตน์, เกศรินทร์; วิไลพัฒน์, สุนิษา; อัคคีสุวรรณ์, จีราพร (2015-05-21)
      The study. Utilization coconut fiber added in Kha Nom Tong Muan. Aims to study the amount of coconut fiber in the production of Kha Nom Tong Muan .The total amount of coconut fiber, production level of 3% as the best ...
    • Utilization of cassava pulp and cassava wastewater for bioethanol production 

      Srimuang, Tawida; Polprasert, Supawadee (2020-09-07)
      The purpose of this study was to optimize the bioethanol production from cassava pulp and cassava wastewater. The study was divided into two phase: 1.) Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis 2.) Bioethanol fermentation. The ...
    • Utilization of crushed oyster shell on interlocking block 

      Klathae, Tawich (2018-07-04)
      This research studies of crushed oyster shell (OSP) as a substitution for cement in producing the interlocking block. Research process are design the mixtures which contain 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. Control water at optimum ...
    • Utilization of palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer L.) of phetchaburi community in bread making 

      Peeraraphatchara, Chutamas; จุฑามาศ พีรพัชระ; Panyathitipong, Woratak; วรลักษณ์ ปัญญาธิติพงศ์ (2016-09-12)
      The utilization of agricultural products and unique local Phetchaburi products development was studied by using Palmyra palm as an ingredient of bread at 0, 25, 30, 35 and 40 percent of wheat weight. Test of bread quality ...
    • Utilization of sludge from power plant as cement substitution 

      ทิพยศักดิ์, กรองแก้ว; บุญรอด, ชนกนันท์; ทิวาพัฒน์, สุนิสา; อัศวานันท์, อารดา (2015-06-09)
      The feasibility of wastewater treatment sludge from the power plant was studied as cement substituted material. The sludge were used as the air dried sample and the oven dried sludge at 300o C. Their properties, then the ...
    • Utilization of soaked dry black beans water for textile dyeing process 

      Luepong, Kanchana; Punyacharoennon, Phairat; Siaphai, Wanida; Pattanasan, Paramat; กาญจนา ลือพงษ์; ไพรัตน์ ปุญญาเจริญนนท์; วนิดา เสียภัย; ปรมัตถ์ พัฒนะสาร (2020-01-07)
      The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of soaked black bean water and to add value to it, otherwise it is considered as colored waste water. The soaked black bean water was analyzed for phytochemicals and ...
    • Utilizing core pineapple and phufa tea in drinking jelly 

      ตั้งสถิตพร, ดวงกมล; จรเสมอ, ธันย์ชนก; เอมอมร, ชิดชนก (2015-05-21)
      The study of utilizing core pineapple and phufa tea in drinking jelly. The purpose of this study and processing in add fiber from core pineapple wasted and Phufa tea in drinking jelly. The resulfs showed that formulation ...
    • UV protection and antibacterial properties of yarn coated with polyvinyl alcohol by nip-rollers process 

      Sriwittayakul, Worawit; วรวิทย์ ศรีวิทยากูล; Masae, Mahamasuhaimi; มาหามะสูไฮมี มะแซ; Keereetham, Pongpat; พงศ์พัฒน์ คีรีธรรม; Onketpon, Wongsakon; วงศกร อ่อนเกตุพล; Kongsong, Peerawas; พีรวัส คงสง (2022-04-24)
      The objective of this study is to explore a method to improve UV protection and antibacterial properties of the cotton yarn surface to produce high-quality textile products. Cotton yarns were coated with sodium hydrogen ...
    • Value of carbon stock in aboveground biomass of peat swamp forest, nakhon si thammarat province 

      คีรีรัฐนิคม, อานุช; คีรีรัฐนิคม, สุภฎา; สัมพันธมิตร, ทิพย์ทิวา; อาศิรเมธี, กมล (2014-11-17)
      This study was undertaken by using 10x10 m2 sampling plots chosen by stratified random sampling from 3 areas, 50 plots for each area. Height and diameter of all trees with girth breast height (GBH) stem > 15 cm were measured. ...
    • Variables affecting to signal strength of wireless networks 5 GHz 

      เขียวสังข์, ภาสกร; สุวรรณทา, ณัฐวุฒิ; เสงี่ยมวิบูล, วรวัฒน์ (2015-05-20)
      The climate change is a natural phenomenon and effect on atmospheric which is the media of wireless communication. For the high performance in the telecommunication system, this study therefore, aimed to study the variables ...
    • Vegetable-carved processing in hermetically sealed container 

      Suwannarak, Jomkhwun; Phuenpipob, Chompoonuch; Rattanapanone, Nithiya; Thimthong, Sansanee; Chantakul, Sukunya; Phanumong, Putkrong (2018-07-04)
      The study of vegetable-carved processing packed in hermetically sealed container for 5 types of plant e.g., carrot, pumpkin, radish, green papaya and cucumber which carved into rose or leave shape and preserved in ...