Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An efficiency comparison of the test statistics for testing the mean difference between two independent populations 

      Riansut, Warangkhana (2018-07-04)
      The objectives of this study were to calculate the probability of type I error, power of a test, and to compare the performance of three test statistics: Z, Student’s t, and Welch’s t. Including the recommending the ...
    • Forecasting the prices of black peper 

      Riansut, Warangkhana; วรางคณา เรียนสุทธิ์ (2020-09-07)
      The objective of this study was to construct the black pepper prices forecasting model by 4 statistical methods: Box-Jenkins method, Holt’s exponential smoothing method, Brown’s exponential smoothing method, and damped ...
    • Forecasting the prices of field corn in Thailand 

      Riansut, Warangkhana; Thongrit, Kettsarin (2018-07-03)
      The purpose of this research was to construct the appropriate forecasting model for the prices of field corn in Thailand using four time series analysis methods, including Box-Jenkins method, Holt’s exponential smoothing ...