Now showing items 11-30 of 44

    • Design and Construction Wind Turbine Generator 200 Watt Rated 

      เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว, ศุภวุฒิ; ทองแก้ว, สมเกียรติ (2010-02-28)
      This research studies designing building and set up a wind turbine that produce the electric current, for decrease the contamination that is poisonous, be that know that, source of electric energy majority production uses ...
    • Design CPW Fed Slot Antenna for Wideband Applications 

      Nithisopa, K.; Nakasuwan, J.; Songthanapitak, N.; Anantrasirichai, N.; Wakabayashi, T. (PIERS Online, 2007)
      In this paper, a CPW-fed slot antenna for wideband application was designed and simulated. In order to examine the performances of this antenna, a prototype was designed at frequency 2.4 GHz and simulated with various width ...
    • Design Narrow Slot Antenna for Dual Frequency 

      Chulvanich, C.; Nakasuwan, J.; Songthanapitak, N.; Anantrasirichai, N.; Wakabayashi, T. (PIERS Online, 2007)
      The narrow slot loop antenna and linear slot antenna fed by microstrip line are designed for dual frequency at 2.44 GHz and 5.25 GHz on the standard of IEEE 802.11b/g (2.4{2.4835 GHz), IEEE 802.11j/a (5.15{5.35 GHz), and ...
    • A Design of Flood Monitoring System with Low Rate Wireless Sensor Network Coordinator with Multi-Network Using Single Processor 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (2010-02-28)
      This article presents a design and development of a low rate wireless sensor network coordinator controller. Wireless sensor networks are cheap and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing ...
    • A Design of Low Rate Wireless Sensor Network Coordinator with Multi-Network Using Single Processor 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (2010-02-29)
      This paper presents the development of a low rate wireless sensor network coordinator with multi-network. This research used small embedded micro controller. The system can expand into multi network and work with single ...
    • A Designed Object Tracked by Mobile Robot using Image Processing 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (2010-02-28)
      In present, there are widely use robot in many fields. Mobile robot can help us in several task, such as moving to toxic area, risk area or explosion area, mine. Movement control can be used in many ways. This paper proposed ...
    • Development of monitoring system for mobile weather station 

      นภัทร วัจนเทพินทร์; ปกรณ์ สมบูรณ์กิจ (2014-07-08)
      The objective of this research was to develop a high performance monitoring software for extended database of mobile weather station by using embedded computer. The monitoring system could measure and record temperature, ...
    • Development program for heat balance analysis fuel to steam efficiency boiler and data wireless transfer 

      Phanthuna, Nattapong; Srisongkram, Warunee; Pasuk, Sunya; Trongtirakul, Thaweesak (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 2009)
      This research aim to improve a combustion system of boiler within increase combustion efficiency and use all out of the energy. The large boilers were used in the industrial factories which consume a lot of energy for ...
    • Drying of ground fish slices using superheated steam 

      ภูมิใจ สอาดโฉม; ธนิต สวัสดิ์เสวี; ทัศนะ ถมทอง; ปฏิพล สมุททารินทร์; สมชาติ โสภณรณฤทธิ์ (2014-07-09)
      Superheated steam drying has gained more attention due to its absence of oxidative reactions and high drying rate. This research involved drying of ground fish slices using superheated steam. The influences of superheated ...
    • Drying of ground fish slices using superheated steam combined with hot air 

      คมกริช กัลยางาม; ภูมิใจ สอาดโฉม; ธนิต สวัสดิ์เสวี (2014-07-08)
      The objectives of this research were to study the changes in the moisture of ground fish slices during drying with superheated steam combined with hot air, and to compare the physical properties (in terms of color, hardness, ...
    • A Dynamic Associative e-learning model based on a spreading activation network 

      Nilas, Phongchai; Nilas, Nilamit; Mitatha, Somsak (IEEE, 2006-05)
      Presenting information to an e-learning environment is a challenge, mostly, because of the hypertext/hypermedia nature and the richness of the context and information provides. This paper proposes a dynamic semantic model ...
    • Electronic Data Capture Improvement by SSL Protocol for Payment Systems 

      สรวลสรรค์, ยุทธนา; ทิพย์จักษุรัตน์, ศักดิ์ชัย; มิตะถา, สมศักดิ์ (Ladkrabang Engineering Journal, 2007-09)
      In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of combining security system (SSL Protocol) with current TCP/IP module by porting security shareware into the EDC (Electronic Data Capture) devices. Finally, in order to ...
    • An Embedded Digital Signal Controller for Initial Rotor Position Estimation of PMSM Drives 

      วัยวุฒิ, วณพันธ์; นุ่นงาม, สุขสันติ์ (2010-02-28)
      This paper presents the development of an initial rotor position estimation of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) without a position sensors drives with embedded digital signal controller. The principle of the ...
    • The factors of resource and educational investment affecting to the number of the post graduate students of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn 

      Wirotcheewan, Prasert (2008)
      The objective of this research is to study the factors of resource and investment affecting to the number of post graduate students of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn. The samples of this research are to ...
    • Finned-Tube Condenser Cleaner Machine 

      Puangcharoenchai, Somjin (2007)
      Now a day the mostly air condition are use the air for reducing the temperature at the condenser unit. Moreover, many dusts are adhering in area of fin coil. From this reason, the heart reduction efficiency is decreased ...
    • Insulator testing set for finding the efficiency in Ozone generator design 

      Nedphograw, Supawud; Phupha, Vallop; Boonchiam, Paisan (ISH 2007, 2007-08-27)
      This paper presents a testing of three insulators namely solid, fluid and gas for choosing the best electric insulators. In order to generate the ozone gas, the insulator must be selected in electrode set. Nowadays, the ...
    • Intelligent tutoring system for web-based instruction 

      Chatwattana, Pinanta (2013-08-16)
      The problem of learning ot the students is the instructor preparation the content or knowiedge transfer is not appropriate for the learning potential of indivedual students. This article presents the implementation of ...
    • Kansei engineering: product development methodology 

      อภิชฎา ทองรักษ์; สุชาดา สิทธิ์จงสถาพร (2014-07-08)
      Kansei engineering, or effective engineering, is an important product development methodology in which users’ or customers’ feelings and demands on the product are translated into important parameters for product design. ...
    • Low Rate Wireless Sensor for Flood Monitoring System 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (1st Electrical Engineering Network 2008, EENET 2008, 2008-11-20)
      This paper presents the development of a low rate wireless sensor. Wireless sensor networks are cheap and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing devices. The purpose of this study is ...
    • Low Rate Wireless Sensor Network Data Logger with Multi-core Microcontroller 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (Multidisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Development, 2009-11-18)
      This paper presents the development of a data logger which collects interesting data via low rate wireless sensor network, not expensive, low power consumed sensor node. The system is wireless and more flexible to expand ...