Now showing items 23-42 of 44

    • An Embedded Digital Signal Controller for Initial Rotor Position Estimation of PMSM Drives 

      วัยวุฒิ, วณพันธ์; นุ่นงาม, สุขสันติ์ (2010-02-28)
      This paper presents the development of an initial rotor position estimation of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) without a position sensors drives with embedded digital signal controller. The principle of the ...
    • The factors of resource and educational investment affecting to the number of the post graduate students of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn 

      Wirotcheewan, Prasert (2008)
      The objective of this research is to study the factors of resource and investment affecting to the number of post graduate students of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn. The samples of this research are to ...
    • Finned-Tube Condenser Cleaner Machine 

      Puangcharoenchai, Somjin (2007)
      Now a day the mostly air condition are use the air for reducing the temperature at the condenser unit. Moreover, many dusts are adhering in area of fin coil. From this reason, the heart reduction efficiency is decreased ...
    • Insulator testing set for finding the efficiency in Ozone generator design 

      Nedphograw, Supawud; Phupha, Vallop; Boonchiam, Paisan (ISH 2007, 2007-08-27)
      This paper presents a testing of three insulators namely solid, fluid and gas for choosing the best electric insulators. In order to generate the ozone gas, the insulator must be selected in electrode set. Nowadays, the ...
    • Intelligent tutoring system for web-based instruction 

      Chatwattana, Pinanta (2013-08-16)
      The problem of learning ot the students is the instructor preparation the content or knowiedge transfer is not appropriate for the learning potential of indivedual students. This article presents the implementation of ...
    • Kansei engineering: product development methodology 

      อภิชฎา ทองรักษ์; สุชาดา สิทธิ์จงสถาพร (2014-07-08)
      Kansei engineering, or effective engineering, is an important product development methodology in which users’ or customers’ feelings and demands on the product are translated into important parameters for product design. ...
    • Low Rate Wireless Sensor for Flood Monitoring System 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (1st Electrical Engineering Network 2008, EENET 2008, 2008-11-20)
      This paper presents the development of a low rate wireless sensor. Wireless sensor networks are cheap and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing devices. The purpose of this study is ...
    • Low Rate Wireless Sensor Network Data Logger with Multi-core Microcontroller 

      Waiyawoot, Wanapan (Multidisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Development, 2009-11-18)
      This paper presents the development of a data logger which collects interesting data via low rate wireless sensor network, not expensive, low power consumed sensor node. The system is wireless and more flexible to expand ...
    • A Microstrip Folded Resonator Sensor for Measurement of Dielectric Constant 

      Seewattanapon, Somporn; Wattakeekamthorn, Thanakit; Somwong, Tanee; Akkaraekthalin, Prayoot (IEEE ECTI-CON 2008, 2008-07-23)
      A microstrip folded ring resonator sensor for measurement of dielectric constant in a compact area of material under test is proposed. The resonant characteristics of resonator vary with dielectric constant of material. ...
    • Novel water level sensing for the canals in Bangkok 

      ณัฐพงศ์ พันธุนะ; ศุภชัย เดชเดชะ; เฉลิมฤทธิ์ ราวิชัย (2012-03-29)
      Department of drainage and sewerage (DDS) has realised in the flooding in Bangkok. Despite these issues, the flood control centre has been established for water level monitoring as well as solving its issue in case of ...
    • Power Efficient Ant Colony System Wireless Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Node Function 

      วัยวุฒิ, วณพันธ์; รุจิพัฒนพงศ์, ศิริชัย (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎมหาสารคาม, 2008-11-23)
      Today wireless sensor networks are developed and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing devices. It has been restricted power supply, low computing power. WSNs work in vast area, ...
    • Research and technology transfer of salt producing chimney stove for ban bo luang community, bo kluea district, Nan Province 

      ยุธนา ศรีอุดม; เอกณัฏฐ์ กระจ่างธิมาพร (2014-07-09)
      This research aims to test and compare thermal efficiency of salt producing stoves between traditional stove and chimney stove, as well as transfer the technology to community. The traditional stove was constructed from ...
    • Solid waste management from BTS Sky train construction (a perspective of contractors) 

      กวี หวังนิเวศน์กุล; เสกสรร ปัญญางาม (2013-08-15)
      The purpose of this research paper is to study the solid waste management to the following 3 lines of BTS Sky train construction projects: blue line,red line, and violet line.The study was carried out by distributing ...
    • A Spreading Activation Approach for e-Commerce Site Selection System 

      Nilas, Nilamit; Nilas, Phongchai; Masakul, Kasiphan (2010-02-28)
      This paper presents a dynamic associative network model for e-commerce site selection system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory; Spreading Activation Network (SAN). The system is designed to give ...
    • A Study and Development of Solar Hybrid Energy Oven 

      Suwantaroj, Kullayot (2010-02-28)
      The objective of this paper is to design and develope solar hybrid oven for common usage heat energy between sunshine and heater. The technology improvement of integrated solar dryer cabinet aims to prove that the solar ...
    • Study of Ozone Generator with Electric Fields Distribution on Water Surface 

      Charlangsut, Aroon; Boonthienthong, Manat; Thongkeaw, Somkieat; Boonchiam, Paisan (ISH 2007, 2008-08-27)
      This paper proposes a study of an Ozone generator. The generator under the study is designed using the electrode with uniform field. The electrode is constructed in the plane shape with positive potential. The transformer ...
    • A Study value added for increase valued the Anti–insect Cloth Hanger Product Cast Study : Bansaphatana Group Cluster 

      ลีลากวีวงศ์, วันชัย; โฆษิตชัยมงคล, สุชุม; ภูผา, วัลลภ; เฉลิมศรีเมือง, ตรีสุคนธ์; แก้วอุดร, ศุภกาญจน์ (2010-02-28)
      The main objective of this research has to study the production process and the production development of a community business. In the case of Bansaphatana network enterprise study in the part of products form and duty ...
    • Technology transfer on construction and using biogas for household in ban tatongdang tak province 

      ยุธนา ศรีอุดม; อนุรัตน์ เทวตา (2013-08-16)
      This research aimed to transfer technology of biogas construction for applying the biogas in household. The villagers were instructed and trained about digester construction for applying the biogas produced from cow and ...
    • Two-dimensional transient model for prediction of temperature profile at heat pipe wall 

      นรินทร์ ศิริวรรณ; เกียรติสิน กาญจนวนิชกุล; ธีรพัฒน์ ชมพูคำ; สัมพันธ์ ฤทธิเดช (2014-07-08)
      Distribution trend of transient temperature profile of copper heat pipe from the start-up of outer wall temperature of evaporator section until the temperature was steady was studied. A two-dimensional model used numerical ...
    • Using Condensate Water to Reduce Heat for Finned-Tube Condenser of Air Conditioning System 

      Puangcharoenchai, Somjin (2007)
      Now a day the mostly air condition are use vapor compression refrigeration system in which R-22 refrigerant is used as a working substance. From the results of study, it found that the quantity of water vapor or moisture ...