Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Characteristics of successful entrepreneur : case study of pailin couture 

      Kringern, Katethip; Chavalekyangkul, Siraporn; Na Songkhla, Acharawan; Nackwashara, Pujjana; เกศทิพย์ กรี่เงิน; ศิราภรณ์ ชวเลขยางกูร; อัจฉราวรรณ ณ สงขลา; พจนา นาควัชระ (2020-01-07)
      The purposes of this research were to explore 1) the characteristics of successful entrepreneur: case study of Pailin Couture and 2) the factors affecting of self- employed of students who study major in fashion clothing ...