Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Effect of grinding on chemical and physical properties of rice husk ash 

      Rukzon, Sumrerng; Chindaprasirt, Prinya; Mahachai, Rattana (International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2009-04)
      The effect of grinding on the chemical and physical properties of rice husk ash was studied. Four rice husk ashes with different finenesses, i.e. coarse original rice husk ash (RHA0), RHA1, RHA2, and RHA3 were used for the ...
    • Use of disposed waste ash from landfills to replace Portland cement 

      Rukzon, Sumrerng (Waste Management & Research, 2009-09-01)
      In this study, waste ash was utilized as a pozzolanic material in blended Portland cement in order to reduce negative environmental effects and landfill volume required to dispose of waste ash. The influence of waste ash, ...
    • Use of waste ash from various by-product materials in increasing the durability of mortar 

      Rukzon, Sumrerng; Chindaprasirt, Prinya (Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2008-07-12)
      This paper presents a study on the strength and corrosion resistance of mortars made with binary blends of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and ground rice husk ash (RHA) or ground palm oil fuel ash (POA). The mortar mixtures ...