Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Development of tablet product from riceberry broken rice 

      Samsalee, Namfon; น้ำฝน สามสาลี; Mangklanan, Seksan; เสกสรร มังคลานันท์ (2022-04-24)
      Riceberry rice is dark purple coloured grains. It is one of the most famous rice for consumers. There are nutrients and high antioxidant properties. Riceberry broken rice (RBR) is a by-product from the rice milling process ...
    • Physicochemical, mechanical and thermal properties of edible film from man lueat (dioscorea alata) flour 

      Samsalee, Namfon; น้ำฝน สามสาลี; Romsomsa, Nisa; นิสา ร่มส้มซ่า; Musika, Sumalee; สุมาลี มุสิกา (2022-04-23)
      Man Lueat (Dioscorea alata) flour is a biopolymer material that can be formed into an edible film. It can be contacted directly with food, consumed and naturally biodegraded. The aims of this research were to study the ...