Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The design and construction of shell and tube heat exchangers for use in the manufacture of Ice 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; ทองโยธี, สุกัญญา; ศรีเชียงสา, ประพัฒพงษ์; สุภาภิรักษ์, ดาวิทย์; วรรณศรี, ยุทธนากร (2015-05-18)
      This paper presents a study of heat exchanger design for improving the performance of ice maker by using waste water from ice factory. The heat exchanger was made of stainless steel and had 4.023 m2 of heating surface. ...
    • The design and development of spray drying technology for the production of processed salt 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; ฮ้อเถาว์, กมลรัตน์; ดวงกาคร, ทรงศักดิ์; อิ่มพูล, นวพล (2015-05-18)
      The objective of study was to design and development of spray drying technology for production of salt powder. The process design and build spray dryer that consisted of three parts: an atomizer, a drying column and a dry ...
    • The effect of inlet temperature on the solidification of tubular Ice 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; นราพงษ์, นริศ; นามโคตร, วีรชน; เรืองประเสริฐกิจ, สิทธิพร (2015-05-18)
      This study was aimed to investigate experimental study of the parameters affecting the amount of tubular ice. Significant studied parameters were inlet water temperature. Thickness tendency was increasingly according to ...
    • A study of solar absorber shape effect in the solar Air heater 

      พรรณุเจริญวงษ์, ณัฐดนย์; ลาดศรีทา, รพีพัฒน์; ค่ายเพชร, ธนวรรธก์; โชสิมา, วิฑูรย์; แสนเพ็งเคน, สุชาวดี (2015-05-18)
      This purpose of the research was to study of Solar Absorber Shape Effect in the Solar Air Heater. These has designed and constructed the solar air heater for drying agricultural products of two different types. Comparison ...