Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analysis of wind speed data and annual energy potential at Samoeng district in Thailand 

      Sasujit, Kittikorn; กิตติกร สาสุจิตต์; Homdoung, Nigran; นิกราน หอมดวง (2022-04-23)
      In this study, the wind speed characteristic and evaluation of wind power generation at Samoeng district, Chiang Mai were investigated using wind speed data and wind direction data, during time of January 2011 to December ...
    • Load frequency control of solar farm and wind turbine for interconnected power system 

      Yukhalang, Sawat; สวัสดิ์ ยุคะลัง (2020-01-07)
      The effects of load frequency control (LFC) of interconnected distribution power system in tie-line substation area, load –frequency stability and the frequency respond at distribution generator (DG) are very important for ...
    • Study propeller wind generator 

      ศักดิ์สมบูรณ์ชัย, วาทิต; อยู่ภักดี, อาทิตย์; ภูมิสุข, พีระพัฒน์; โกสุมภ์, กันญา (2015-05-20)
      Thesis this has the objective for design, build and test ability in the work of set propeller wind generator by divide recording is 3 period in morning, noon and evening each phase 1 hour record speed wind value, capacity ...