Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Application of a commercial flyback transformer for a high frequency high voltage source 

      Kanthaphayao, Yutthana; ยุทธนา กันทะพะเยา; Rueangepattanawiwat, Chalermpol; เฉลิมพล เรืองพัฒนาวิวัฒน์ (2022-04-23)
      In this article, the construction of a high-frequency, high-voltage commercial flyback transformer to supply an input voltage for a tesla transformer is proposed. The purpose of a demonstration is a breakdown through the ...
    • Investigation of the effect of harmonic currents on losses of phase shifting transformers and its realization using a 15-degree phase shifting transformer 

      Kiatsookkanatorn, Paiboon; ไพบูลย์ เกียรติสุขคณาธร; Klamrak, Passawit; ภาสวิชญ์ กล่ำรักษ์; Yindeeyom, Narongrit; ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ ยินดียม; Watjanatepin, Napat; นภัทร วัจนเทพินทร์ (2023-03-28)
      The trend of energy savings has been widely interested and phase shift transformers (HMT) have been extensively used. This paper presents the investigation of the effect of harmonic currents on losses of the HMT. In this ...