Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Determination of active constituents and antioxidant activity of premna trichostoma miq. leaf extract 

      Paduka, Wanhuda; หวันฮูดา ปะดุกา; Sunthudlakhar, Punjaporn; ปัญจพร สันทัดเลขา; Keereekoch, Thaweeporn; ทวีภรณ์ คีรีคช; Kunworarath, Nongluk; นงลักษณ์ กุลวรรัตต์ (2022-04-23)
      Premna trichostoma Miq. (Lamiaceae) mainly distribute in Asia including Thailand. Folk healers use this plant to treat fever as a juice, splash, and bathe. The aims of this study are to evaluate the quantity of active ...
    • Effect of crude ethanol extracts from seven herbs on ant repellent 

      Ieamsuwan, Isariya; อิสสริยา เอี่ยมสุวรรณ; Suttirat, Sarawut; ศราวุธ สุทธิรัตน์; Horata, Natharinee; ณัฐริณี หอระตะ; Phunpanich, Taweebhorn; ทวีพร พันธุ์พาณิชย์ (2023-03-28)
      This research aims to study the ant repellent effects of the crude ethanolic extracts from 7 herbs; Piper nigrum Linn., Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd, Ocimum basilicum L., Cymbopogon citratus Stapf, Citrus aurantiifolia ...
    • Fried oil absorption property of nonwoven from rice straw cellulose fiber 

      Chaliewsak, Jitsopa; จิตต์โสภา เฉลียวศักดิ์ (2022-04-24)
      The objectives of this research were to study cellulose fiber extraction from rice straw with sodium hydroxide in various conditions (with 5 , 1 0 and 1 0 % of sodium hydroxide at room temperature, 60ºC and 90 ºC for ...