Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Antioxidant dietary fiber from edible bean coats and the application in food products 

      Khemacheewakul, Julaluk; Halee, Anek; Janmud, Waruntorn; Boonkomol, Suwimol; จุฬาลักษณ์ เขมาชีวะกุล; อเนก หาลี; วรันณ์ธร จันท์หมุด; สุวิมล บุญโกมล (2020-01-05)
      Foods rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants have attracted great attention to both of consumers and food manufacturers because of their significant health benefits. Increased consumption of dietary fiber improves lowering ...
    • Effect of using durian rind powder substitution with wheat flour on brownies cake quality 

      Bunyasawatม Jetniphat; Bhoosem, Chakkrawut; เจตนิพันธ์ บุณยสวัสดิ์; จักราวุธ ภู่เสม (2020-01-05)
      This research aims to study the physical and chemical properties of Cha-nee durian rind powder and using durian rind powder to replace wheat flour in brownie cakes at 10,20 and 30% (w/w). Texture profile, chemical composition, ...