Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Design of the molds for basketry water hyacinth to creative products concept of local identity 

      Phontharaphong, Yuvadee; ยุวดี พรธาราพงศ์; Siripithakul, Arnut; อาณัฏ ศิริพิชญ์ตระกูล (2020-09-07)
      The objective of this study 1) To study the shape of the template from the process of making basketry 2) To design a template hyacinth wicker products creative products 3) To test the woven pattern of water hyacinth wicker ...
    • Study on effectiveness of aquatic plants for wastewater treatment 

      ลาภตันศุภผล, ธานุวัฒน์ (2015-06-05)
      The objective of this research was to compare the effectiveness of water hyacinth and cootail for wastewater treatment by taking water sample from Klong Bangkhen-mai near King Mongkut’s University of Technology North ...