Education blade design for chopped digest material waste from rice straw
The main objective of the study is to design blades for chopping heart rice straw. This study is composed of three main testing parameters. The first parameter used is speeds at which the knife blades that will chop the straw. They will have 2 speeds, one at 540 and the other at 720 rpm. The second parameter is the types of blades that will be used eclipse blades and smooth blades. The last parameter is the cutting edges. The eclipse and smooth types of the blades will have 4, 5, and 6 cutting edges. For this test we use stubble sorted 50 heart rice straws. Placing the straw on the prepared steel and test with all three testing parameters repeating each testing parameter thrice and record the results.
Based on the testing and evaluation, the 6 edge eclipse blades with a speed of 720 rpm. Yielded the highes results for chopping heart rice straw at 66 percent. For the 6 edged smooth blades with a speed of 720 rpm the yield results for chopping heart rice straw was at 35.76%
- Journal Articles [688]