India : the Potential Market for Thai Entrepreneurs
During the last two decades, India has made significant strides in its economic growth
and development. According to the assessment of potential by the comparative environmental
frameworks, the strengths are summarized as follows: (1) being a democratic country, (2) having
plentiful resources, (3) enjoying consecutive high economic growth, (4) having increased
purchasing power and (5) having the world class of software industries. Weaknesses are as
follows: (1) unbalanced income distribution, (2) undeveloped infrastructures and (3) having
intricate process of custom. Opportunities are as follows: (1) huge market, (2) good market of
infrastructure businesses, (3) more contemporary society and (4) the existing Thai–India FTA.
Threats are as follows: (1) having trade barriers, (2) undeveloped transportation and (3) having
imitation of goods. Therefore, Thai entrepreneurs should get themselves well-prepared. The
followings are examples of what potential investors should consider researching: India’s market
study, the regulation study of business and etc. The government and private sectors should help
equip the entrepreneurs with whatever necessary to make them well-prepared. After all, the role
of the government and private sectors is indispensable to their success.
- Journal Articles [688]